Privacy Policy

This privacy policy forms part of our “Portal’s” (hereinafter collectively refers to partner website(s) and mobile application(s))Terms and Conditions, by accepting the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy on the registration page, any person utilizing the Portal, hereinafter referred to as the "User or “you” or “your” or any of its features including participation in the various contests, games (including fantasy games, hereinafter referred to as "Contest(s)""Services" being conducted on the Portal shall be bound by this Privacy Policy. You consent to provide Personal Information and are aware of the purpose of sharing such information. If you do not wish to consent to sharing of the mandatory personal information with Hulm Entertainment Private Limited, (hereinafter referred to as “Fantasy Yatra” or “we” or “us” or “our”) requested at the time of registration, you are requested to not to proceed with the registration. Registration procedure cannot be completed until information in the non-optional fields is provided.

At Fantasy Yatra, we aim to provide you with a safe, protected and reliable environment to play. We understand and respect your privacy and thus assure you that any Personal Information provided by you to Fantasy Yatra is protected and will be dealt with in accordance to this Policy. Fantasy Yatra shall not provide, distribute, trade, sell or rent your name, e-mail address or other personal information provided on this site to any third party or information related to your usage of the Portal, except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Information Gathered

The information collected from you (the user) will be in the course of providing you with access to the Services and to the features offered through the Portal.

User's Personal Information includes the following types of Personal data or Information which has been categorised as under:

  • Sensitive Personal Data:

    We do not normally collect Sensitive Personal Data except in accordance with or subject to this Privacy Policy. However, in certain circumstances, we may collect such information including but not limited to Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details used by you to make any payments. We may also collect your PAN number details (as and when applicable).

    You explicitly consent to provide such information as and when needed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and/or any agreement/contract entered into between Hulm Entertainment Private Limited and the User. Except for any financial information that you choose to provide while making payment for any Services on the Portal, Hulm Entertainment Private Limited does not collect any other Sensitive Personal Data in the course of providing the Services.

    Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details are not saved by Hulm Entertainment Private Limited.

  • Other Personal Information:

    We collect the follow Personal Information during the course of offering you Services on Fantasy Yatra:


    Date of birth

    Contact number

    Postal/Contact address

    Account password

    The IP address of your computer, browser type and language.

    The date and the time during which you accessed the site.

    The address of the website which you may have used to link to the Website.

    Such other information that is defined as sensitive personal data or information in law.

  • Information from Social Media Platforms and Other Intermediaries:

    Further, Fantasy Yatra collects certain user information from social media platforms such as Facebook and intermediaries such as Google in order to help the users create an account on the Fantasy Yatra Portal. The information collected by Fantasy Yatra is stored in the database of Fantasy Yatra and further displayed in the Profile section of the User in order to provide an identification of the User on the Fantasy Yatra Portal.

    - Email Address: The email-id of the user using Facebook and Google services is collected by Fantasy Yatra upon the user’s registration on the Portal using either of the social media platforms. The email-id collected by Fantasy Yatra from such social media platforms is used to display in the user profile section of the User using Fantasy Yatra services.

    - Name: Fantasy Yatra also collects the name of the User who registers on Fantasy Yatra through Facebook and Google. The name of the User to be displayed on the profile of the User so as validate the User as a verified user of Fantasy Yatra.

    - Date of Birth: The Fantasy Yatra Portal additionally collects the Date of Birth of the User when the individual upon registering on the Portal using either Facebook or Google. The Date of Birth collected is used by Fantasy Yatra to authenticate the age of the User.

    You shall be entitled to update the information provided by you by contacting us which shall be updated subject to reasonable checks and confirmation by Fantasy Yatra.

    We restrict access of personal information to our employees, contractors and agents and only allow access to those who need to know that information in order to process it on our behalf.

Usage of the Information

All users of Fantasy Yatra consent to the use of Sensitive Personal Data and Other Personal Information for the purpose stated in this policy. Fantasy Yatra may use the information gathered for the following purposes:

For the Purpose of Registration and to provide you access to the Services and features offered through the Portal and to verify your identity, Users would be required to provide certain information for the registration process namely:



Email address

Date of birth

PAN number (as applicable)

In certain instances, we may collect certain Sensitive Personal Data from you on the Portal such as information regarding the payment instrument/modes used by you to make such payments, which may include cardholder name, credit/debit card number (in encrypted form) with expiration date, banking details, wallet details etc. This information is presented to you at the time of making a payment to enable you to complete your payment expeditiously. Except for any financial information that you choose to provide while making payment for any Services on the Portal, Fantasy Yatra does not collect any other Sensitive Personal Data in the course of providing the Services. Any Sensitive Personal Data collected by Fantasy Yatra shall not be disclosed to any third party without your express consent, save as otherwise set out in this Privacy Policy or as provided in a separate written agreement between Fantasy Yatra and you or as required by the applicable law. It is clarified that this condition shall not apply to publicly available information, including Sensitive Personal Data, in relation to you on the Portal.

In the course of providing the Services, Users may invite other existing Users or other users hereinafter referred to as "Invited Users" to participate in any of the Services by providing the email address or Facebook username of such users. Fantasy Yatra may thereafter use this information to contact the Invited User and invite such user to register with Fantasy Yatra (if such Invited User is not an existing User) and participate in the Game in relation to which such person was invited by the User. The participation of the Invited User in any of the Contest(s) shall be subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions for the use of the Portal. The User hereby represents that the Invited Users have consented and agreed to such disclosure to and use of their email address and Facebook username by Fantasy Yatra.

Fantasy Yatra may also share such information with affiliates and third parties in limited circumstances, for the purpose of data analytics or other similar purposes or for the purpose of storage or improving the services and helping Fantasy Yatra serve you better.

You understand that when you visit the Website, cookies may be left in your computer. Fantasy Yatra has no way of knowing who the User is, even if we assign a cookie to the User's computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information supplied by the User. The cookies assigned by the servers of Fantasy Yatra may be used to personalize your experience on the Website. Additionally, cookies may also be used for authentication, game management, data analysis and security purposes.

Cookies may also be assigned by the advertisers of Fantasy Yatra when you click on any of the advertisements which may be displayed on any Website in which case such cookies are controlled by these advertisers and not Fantasy Yatra.

Fantasy Yatra also includes links to third-party websites. The third-party websites have different privacy policies defined that are beyond the control of Fantasy Yatra and in this regard, Fantasy Yatra shall not be held responsible for any loss, or inadequate usage of user information. In an event wherein any user clicks on the redirecting URLs to third party websites and leaves the Fantasy Yatra servers (the User can check the URL shown in the location bar of User's browser to know where he/she is or to know the location) the usage of any information provided by the user will be governed by the privacy policy of the site’s operator which the user is visiting which might differ from the privacy policies defined by Fantasy Yatra.

Where we propose to use your personal information (that is, information that that may be used to identify the User and that is not otherwise publicly available) for any other uses we will ensure that we notify you first. You will also be given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for your use other than as listed above.

Data Security

All the user information collected and stored by Fantasy Yatra is voluntarily provided by You. In addition, information submitted by the user is safely and securely stored within the Fantasy Yatra database. The databases used by Fantasy Yatra for storing the user information are protected by a firewall. The access to such servers is strictly limited and is password-protected in order to ensure a safe and secure storage of the user’s personal information. However, Fantasy Yatra does not guarantee the security of the databases due to the fact that despite adopting various effective security measures, no security system is impenetrable or inaccessible. In addition to this, the user information can be obstructed amid the transfer of the information over the internet. Further, any sort of user information shared by the user amid the time of discussion over the site is public and can be easily accessed by anyone with Internet access.

Fantasy Yatra may engage third-party advertisers that provide ads to the users at the time of their visit to Fantasy Yatra. These third-party advertisers might use the user information (excluding personal details like name, address, phone number etc.) for analysing and tracking the user visits to this and other websites, in order to understand the behavioural patterns or user interests, and then provide goods, services and other advertisements on the basis of user interests. Fantasy Yatra shall not reveal, share or disclose the personal information or the identity of the user collected at the time of registration with these third-party advertisers. Several fraudulent emails, websites, blogs etc. often including the photos, logos, links, content or any other information associated with Fantasy Yatra, may, or are circulating on the Internet and claim to be from or associated with Fantasy Yatra. Such fraudulent emails, websites, blogs etc. might often ask the users to share their personal details including (but not limited to) like login name, password etc. In addition, these fraudulent websites, emails, blogs etc. might even demand the credit or debit card details of the user by convincing the users that they have won a prize or bonus amounts. Such emails, blogs, websites etc. are not associated with Fantasy Yatra in any manner, and Fantasy Yatra shall not be held responsible in an event any of the users reply to such emails or blogs or shares any information with them. Fantasy Yatra strongly recommends the users not to trust, and respond to such mails, blogs, websites etc. and also not to share any credit /debit card details with them.

Fantasy Yatra may use your name, photo, Login ID and the state from where you are participating when announcing the results of any contests run on the Portal and by agreeing to this Policy you agree to Your aforementioned details being published through various electronic and non-electronic means. Such contests are further governed by terms and conditions which shall be available on the Portals as and when such a contest is run on any Website. We conduct periodic analysis and survey of the traffic to Fantasy for market research and advertising purposes. Fantasy Yatra reserves the right to share your registration information with Fantasy Yatra appointed market research and advertising companies or firms from time to time for the said purposes.

Data Retention policy

Fantasy Yatra shall retain the information provided by the users for such period of time as is required to fulfil the purposes for which such information is collected, as outlined in this Privacy Policy, subject to such longer time periods of retention as explicitly consented by the user or may be required under any applicable laws. We shall also undertake periodic review of Personal Information in order to determine whether it is necessary to retain the same.

Exemptions under this Privacy Policy

Fantasy Yatra may share any Sensitive Personal Data and Other Personal Information without obtaining user consent, if sharing of such information is necessary:

- to comply with legal processes or governmental request;

- to enforce the Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy;

- for prevention of fraud;

- for issues involving information security;

- to protect your rights, rights of Fantasy Yatra and rights of the general public; and

- for such reasonable purposes (as may be prescribed by regulations governing the data protection framework in India).

Limitation of Liability

Fantasy Yatra confirms that this Privacy Policy is only a description of its operation regarding user information. This Policy is not intended to and does not create any legal rights in your favour or in the favour of any other person. Fantasy Yatra reserves the right to change this Policy at any time without giving you prior notice.

Contact Us

Any questions or clarifications with respect to this Policy or any complaints, comments, concerns or feedback can be sent to Fantasy Yatra at